2011. december 24., szombat

Schindler's List (1993)

Schindler's List is a historical drama, directed by Steven Spielberg. The naturalistic, touching film is an adaptation of Thomas Keneally's award-winning novel, Schindler's Ark.

In 1939, all the Jews in the near areas are forced into the Kraków Ghetto. Meanwhile, Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson), the german businessman gathering friends amongst high ranked SS-Officers, and employ Jews as cheap labour force in his new enamelware factory. When the agressive SS-Haupsturmführer, Amon Göth (Ralph Fiennes) is liquidating the Kraków Ghetto, and Schindler witnesses the horrifying brutality, he decide, he will save as many people from death, as he can.

The film is starting with a Jewish family holding Sabbath at their home - probably the last one for a long time. When the prayer ends singing, we see two candles - between them, we can read the titles. With the candles burning out, the film's turn to black and white, and we can only see one colour later: the lost little girl in the middle of the chaotic liquidation of the ghetto, has a red coat.

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